Class 2
Welcome to Class 2's page!
Our class teacher is Miss Ward and our Teaching Partners are Mrs Blandford (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Goulding (Thursday-Friday)
Welcome to a new school year! I hope you all had a fantastic summer holiday and are ready for a busy term in class 2. We will be starting off the year with our topic ‘Fire! Fire!’ where we will be learning all about the Great Fire of London. It’s such an engaging topic and I can’t wait to get going with it! Later on in the term, we will be needing some cereal boxes as we will be making our own model houses from 1666! As we move into Autumn, it is really important that children come to school with a coat and warm clothes as the temperature continues to drop. Snack is still provided for the children of class 2 and if children are bringing in a snack from home, it should be fruit, vegetables or a healthy snack bar.
We will be following a continuous provision approach to our learning again this year and we will be recording a lot of our work on SeeSaw. I have sent out parent invites already in paper form, if yours does not work then please let me know! You can comment on your child’s work and see what they get up to daily which is useful when they come home saying ‘I don’t know’ when you ask what they did at school today!
We have adopted a new phonics scheme called ‘Little Wandle’ this year and it’s taking a bit of time to assess all of the children after the holidays. Once we have assessed all of the children, we will begin to send out books that match their phonic level. Please bear with us while we complete this process. I will host a reading meeting soon to explain the new scheme and what the children will be bringing home
A few key reminders:
- PE days are Wednesday and Thursday but PE kits can remain in school during the term. I will send them home if the children have been on the field and have got muddy! They will need an indoor kit (blue shorts and a blue t-shirt) and an outdoor kit (the same as indoor but with added layers and trainers).
- Please can children continue to read as often as possible and bring in their reading books daily when they receive them.
- Homework books are due in on a Monday and go back out again on a Tuesday. We will start these later on in the term after the children have settled back into school life.
- We do not have forest school until next term.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do speak to me at the end of the day or send an email either to my school account
Many thanks,
Miss Ward
Please see below the overview of what the children will be learning this half term. If there is anything relevant that can support our learning, please let us know as we are always on the lookout for new opportunities for the children.