Welcome to Class One!
Our Reception class teacher is Miss England. Mrs Goulding teaches us on a Wednesday morning. Our Learning Partners are Mrs Haynes and Miss Woodridge.
This half term our theme is Transport and Travel. This is a great topic and one I’m sure lots of the children will enjoy. We will be exploring the different modes of transport, how it has changed over time, and the different types of travel we make in our lives. We will be talking about how we travel to school, where we travel in the holidays and at the weekends. We will also be thinking a bit about how we can be more conscious of the planet and the impact travel can have.
Our P.E. days this term are a Wednesday and Thursday, although it would be great to keep kits in for the week as they are handy to have on hand, and we sometimes change into kits for yoga and mindfulness sessions. You are more than welcome to keep kits in school, we will send them home every two weeks to be washed (unless dirty and needing to be cleaned).
There will be no Forest School this half term.
Lots of children have wellies still in school on our rack, which is fab. For those that do not, they are really handy to have for lunchtimes and outdoor activities, to save their school shoes on the field!
Just a reminder that reading books are changed every Friday, unless we feel your child needs more practice on the book. We do aim for fluency so ideally your child will read the book through without breaking down the sounds before it is changed, however sometimes we do decide to change them quicker. Lots of you are reading at home and we can see this in diaries and the positive impact it is having on their reading, so thank you very much!
Please see below our Theme Web for this half of the term. Here you will find more information about what is covered in each of the EYFS areas and some exciting things happening this term.